How to use SMART Stirrers
to access real-time in-situ experimental conditions.
The information is available via an Internet of Things, IOT, Device, a SMART Stirrer bar, that connects to an app on your mobile device. This IOT device, then streams monitors and live-streams in real-time insitu experimental conditions, that are occurring within your reactions.
Once your experiment is completed you can download that measure data directly in CSV format for inclusion, in your writeups, eLNB, SOPs, experimental conclusions, patents etc
SMART Stirrers take the humble globally available magnetic stirrer bar form - and simply put, pack the inside with cutting edge SMART technology. This allows for the exact same form factor, except now the magnetic stirrer bar, connects to your smart phone, and allows you to measure, Rotation, Temperature, Colour and Light intensity right in-situ - live streamed in real time to an app on your mobile phone. Imagine, Lab-of-the-Future for anyone that uses a Magnetic Stirrer bar. Download all the experimental information to store in your lab-note-book. Enhanced lab-safety by getting real-time alerts should something untoward happen during your experiment